
HIPEN is aware of growing European Unification and of the necessity for co-operation on a permanent basis within the EU in order to promote these activities.

deAf DigitAl PlaTform (ADAPT)
The project aims to develop the first e-magazine adapted to d/Deaf teenagers, aged from13 to 21 years old.
MAKE IT WORK: supporting D/deaf young people into work
The MAKE IT WORK project will develop project results – tools and training materials – designed to provide access to employment regulations in an inclusive and accessible way for d/Deaf young job seekers. With the products of the project, d/Deaf young job seekers will be able to access employment information in sign language and accessible written forms to use in their daily working lives.
Storie migranti e di silenzio
The objectives of the ” Silence Migrant Stories” project are: improve the awareness about a widespread and challenging phenomenon for the European schools, but little investigated: the presence of students with disabilities (especially deaf students) from migrant families, refugees, and asylum seekers, and collect and disseminate good practices, teaching materials, and digital resources making them available to teachers who will be faced with this challenge for the first time.
Sign For Changemaking
The Sign for Change project is a 30-month innovative project as it introduces in Europe the first educational package for empowering deaf students from a young age to become future changemakers. It presents the first European attempt to modernize education for deaf children by focusing on their socio-emotional development and on the cultivation of 21st century competences. The ground-breaking nature of the project is related to its foundational education philosophy, the Social Innovation Education (SIE).
Better support, better options
Better support, better optionsKey Action 2
Aims: Exchange of knowledge and good practise – on methods, forms and tools of work -between career counselors of hearing impaired – using ICT methods in career counselling – creating manual for career counsellors – preparing video guide for hearing impaired willing to go abroad provided in national sign languages
Methods used in education of children with multiple disabilities
Projekt aim is creating a set of direct methods that are used in education of students with multiple disabilities and a set of supporting methods.
CHI (Cerebral Hearing Impairment)
CHI (Cerebral Hearing Impairment)Key Action 2
The project aims to develop exchange of practices between professionals of the partnership concerning the lack/non-development of oral language for children with deafness, despite the cochlear implant.
Accessible Work for All (AW4A)
Accessible Work for All aims to promote equality, non-discrimination and diversity through the innovation of providing information on employment and employment regulations in accessible digital formats.
The project aims to equip the group of young people/students with digital, robotics and coding skills in order to support their employability prospects and ensure social inclusion in the digitalisation of the labour market.
Deaf Youth Filmmaking Camp
Deaf Youth Filmmaking CampKey Action 2
Telling stories is one of the most powerful means that we can use to influence, teach, and inspire people. What makes storytelling so effective for learning is the fact that storytelling forges connections among people, and between people and ideas. Stories convey the culture, history, and values that unite people. When it comes to our countries, our communities, and our families, we understand intuitively that the stories we hold in common are an important part of the ties that bind us. Good stories do more than create a sense of connection. They build familiarity and trust and allow the listener to enter the story where they are, making them more open to learning. Good stories can contain multiple meanings so they’re surprisingly economical in conveying complex ideas in graspable ways. The aim of the Deaf Youth Filmmaking Camp is to empower young D/deaf with the ability to tell stories on film by providing hands-on access to state-of-the-art equipment and the guidance of experienced deaf filmmakers in the beautiful setting of youth exchange while providing a fun-filled summer experience that can transport them beyond their everyday lives.
Career Paths Inclusive 2
Career Paths Inclusive 2 started in March 2022 with 5 project partners from Austria, Italy, the Netherlands, and Slovakia. We intend to add to the existing toolkit in Italian and Dutch Sign Languages, as well as filming 40 new job orientation videos in Austrian, Slovak, Italian and Dutch Sign Languages. New contents will be developed, too: tutorial videos, training materials, evaluation, and guidelines.
Ecology Citizenschip
Ecology CitizenschipKey Action 2
Youth camp, to improve the behavior of students in the field of waste management, protection of biodiversity and biological diversity. Support of the idea of active citizenship in the field of ecology. Effective use of digital technologies in this area and motivation for learning and mental well-being.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.